Eric Bakker Naturopath » Articles » Immune Health

A strong immune system keeps germs out of your body and kills or restricts their damage if they do get in. Get plenty of sleep, stay active, eat fruits and veggies, maintain a healthy weight, decrease stress, and practise other healthy behaviours to keep your immune system healthy.

Food Allergies

A food allergy is one type of adverse food reaction that is mediated by the immune system. An adverse food reaction may comprise any symptom following the intake of a food. Symptoms may be any perceptible change in how we...

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Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a brain and spinal cord illness that can be devastating (central nervous system). MS causes communication issues between the brain and the rest of the body because the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that...

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Immune System

The human immune system is a magnificent and well-coordinated network of cells, organs, glands, and physiological processes. Nearly every cell, organ and tissue in the body is involved either directly or indirectly in the immune process. This article is an...

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Autoimmune Disease

Auto-immune conditions make up a large group of diseases which basically have their origin in faulty immune function. Your immune system is a very complex network of cells and cell components that normally work to defend the body. Normally, the...

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Auto-Immune Disease Causes and Diagnosis

This article will continue with auto-immune conditions but look at little more closely at some of the primary causes and diagnostics of various auto-immune conditions. We look at immunity and the “hygiene hypothesis”, the mind/body connection, turning off the pain...

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This article will focus on both acute and chronic sinusitis causes, signs and symptoms. In part 2, you'll be able to read all about sinusitis treatment. How many people do you know that sniff, clear their nose or throat, or...

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