Eric Bakker N.D.May 7, 2022

Heart disease is a broad word that refers to any condition that affects your heart. Conditions that impact the muscle, valves, blood vessels, or rhythm of your heart are included. Cardiovascular disease is a type of heart disease that involves constricted or obstructed blood arteries. A heart attack, chest pain (angina), or stroke are all symptoms of cardiovascular illness. Many types of heart disease can be avoided or cured by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Discover the most prevalent heart problems as well as their causes, symptoms, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment choices.


What Is Heart Disease?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of mortality in the United States. Heart disease causes one out of every four deaths in the United States. Each year, over 600,000 individuals die from heart disease.

Heart disease knows no bounds. It is the leading cause of death for a variety of individuals, including whites, Hispanics, and Blacks. Heart disease affects over half of all Americans, and the number is rising. Similar statistics apply to most developed Western nations, including Great Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand, etc.

While heart disease is dangerous, it is also preventable in the majority of cases. Early promotion of a healthy living practises will help you live longer and have a healthier heart.

What Causes Heart Disease?

Many people are of the belief that cardiovascular disease just “seems to happen” to them, almost as if they are powerless to stop the development of circulatory disease. You may even wonder how did your cardiovascular system become so unbalanced. The fact of the matter is that chronic health conditions do not just happen, they develop. There can be a genetic component that predisposes someone to become chronically “unwell,” but research shows there are other factors, often within our control, that are usually the cause.

Heart Disease Causes

  • Long-standing magnesium deficiency. Prolonged magnesium deficiency can lead to poor cardiovascular health in several ways. The body uses magnesium to keep calcium dissolved in the cells, soft tissues and muscles – including the heart and vascular system. With insufficient magnesium, blood vessels may go into spasm and cholesterol may rise, both of which lead to blood pressure problems. Read more about the impact of magnesium deficiency.
  • Elevated homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood. Elevated levels of this amino acid have been associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Mainly, elevated levels of homocysteine increase the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (read more below). Vitamin B-6 (folic acid) and Vitamin B-12 have the greatest effect in reducing homocysteine levels.1 Fruits and vegetables are typically rich in B vitamins. Americans typically eat a highly processed diet devoid of healthy fruits and vegetables. Increasing your fresh fruit and vegetable intake, along with adequate B vitamin supplementation, may help reduce your risk for heart disease.
  • Silent inflammation. They have shown that elevated C-reactive proteins in the blood increase heart disease risk. C-reactive proteins are elevated in the blood when the body is inflamed; when the body is actively fighting a chronic foreign invader such as Candida (yeast fungi), bacteria, mould, food allergies, and/or environmental toxins such as pesticides, air pollution, and heavy metals. Sometimes the symptoms of chronic inflammation are subtle or vague, so treatment becomes delayed because of a lack of understanding about the true causes of inflammation. By paying close attention to your body’s red flags, and by proactively resolving the underlying problems that are causing systemic inflammation, you can reduce the C-reactive protein levels in your blood, and your risk for heart disease.
  • The oxidation of bad cholesterol. During the process of oxidation, oxygen binds with low-density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad” cholesterol). Oxidised LDL cholesterol is cytotoxic, so it has a toxic effect on cells. Oxidised LDL cholesterol contributes to the formation of fatty deposits along the arterial walls, leading to atherosclerosis (or hardening of the arteries). One way to combat LDL oxidation is to make sure you eat plenty of healthy foods that contain ample amounts of antioxidants (substances that fight free radicals in the blood). Heart-healthy antioxidants include vitamin E, vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), beta-carotene, selenium and ubiquinone.
  • High plasma fibrin D-dimer levels. Increased fibrin D-dimer levels lead to hyper-coagulability, otherwise known as thick blood. An excess of fibrin causes thick blood in the blood. The body normally produces fibrin when it is under attack, to help the blood clot during an injury or illness. When the body is systemically and chronically inflamed, we produce fibrin in excess, which causes the blood to become thick and unable to circulate freely throughout the body. Anticoagulants such as aspirin or Coumadin (Warfarin) can be prescribed, and/or Heparin (an anti-platelet agent). *Nattokinase can also help to dissolve excess fibrin in the blood.

*NOTE: Never take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with anticoagulant agents, since the combination of these medications can increase the risk of bleeding. Also, never take over one anticoagulant agent, or interchange medications, without medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional regarding the safe use of anticoagulant agents.

  • Obesity. The inability to lose weight is related to inflammation. When the body is chronically inflamed, metabolism is disrupted, and triglyceride, cholesterol, blood sugar, and key hormone levels all become imbalanced. Then it becomes extremely difficult to lose the extra pounds because the body’s ability to process foods efficiently is severely disrupted. High triglyceride and cholesterol levels because of excess weight have the potential to lead to heart disease. Studies have shown that your heart is at risk if you have:
  1. An apple-shaped body. Studies have shown that people who have an apple-shaped body (fat around the waist) have a greater risk of heart disease than those who have a pear-shaped body (fat around the hips). In fact, waist-to-hip ratio has been a better indicator of the risk of heart disease than body mass index (BMI). To find out your risk, calculate your waist-to-hip ratio.
  2. A body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. Those who have a high BMI are at increased risk of developing heart disease.
  • Metabolic disorders. A metabolic disorder disrupts the body’s ability to break down food properly so that we can use it for energy. Left untreated, metabolic disorders such as pre-diabetes (insulin resistance), diabetes, and Syndrome X (also known as Metabolic Syndrome) have the potential to damage the heart and arteries.
  • Hormone imbalances. Studies now identify that hormones can have a dramatic effect on the heart.
  • Low testosterone levels: Researchers in Japan have found that low testosterone levels in men can contribute to hardening of the arteries. Studies now reveal that testosterone is heart protective, much like oestrogen is for women. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may be an option for men with low testosterone levels.
  • Low oestrogen levels: Post-menopausal women who lack oestrogen are at greater risk of heart disease than pre-menopausal women who have naturally higher levels of oestrogen. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may be useful to not only curtail menopausal symptoms but also to protect the heart against disease. Women who use synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) experience increased CRP levels (an inflammatory marker for heart disease).
  • Age (55 or over). The risk of heart disease increases with age, especially for postmenopausal women who have lower levels of heart-protective oestrogen, or men who have lower levels of testosterone as they age.
  • Family history of heart disease or stroke. Your heart disease risk increases if you have family members who have suffered from cardiovascular disease.
  • High blood pressure (HBP). Also known as hypertension, we consider HBP a “silent killer” because it typically has no visible symptoms. Think of your blood vessels as a garden hose, and the water as your blood. Blood that is pumped through the body at excessively high pressure has the potential to rupture a vessel, much like a ruptured garden hose that high water pressure has damaged. Blood pressure is normal when it falls below 120/80mmHg.
  • Below are standard blood pressure guidelines:
  1. Pre-high blood pressure: 120/80mmHg to 139/89mmHg
  2. Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140/90mmHg to 159/99mmHg
  3. Stage 2 high blood pressure: Over 160/100mmHg. Blood pressure over 160/100 can become life-threatening.
  4. Hypotension, or low blood pressure, can also occur if systolic and diastolic pressure drop 25 mmHg lower than normal.
  • High triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are chains of high-energy fatty acids that provide much of the energy for body cells to function. We strongly link high triglyceride levels to metabolic disorders that increase the risk of heart disease. If triglycerides are high, they should do a fasting glucose test to rule out underlying chronic conditions such as diabetes, insulin resistance, and Syndrome X. Normal triglyceride levels should be less than 150 mg/dL.
  • Cholesterol imbalance. There are two types of cholesterol: high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). High LDL (bad) cholesterol is potentially heart-damaging; while high HDL (good) cholesterol is potentially heart protective. Total cholesterol measures both LDL and HDL together. High total cholesterol levels (which cause heart disease and stroke) can be as damaging as low cholesterol levels (which cause depression, anxiety, aggression and mental dysfunction). Current guidelines for cholesterol: Total cholesterol less than 220 mg/dL is desirable. LDL (bad) cholesterol less than 100 mg/dL is optimal. HDL (good) cholesterol greater than 40 mg/dL is desirable.
  • Chronic stress. Stress affects the body’s ability to efficiently produce the right amount of hormones, particularly cortisol. Improper hormone production slows metabolism and creates the potential for metabolic disorders and weight gain—all of which increases the risk of heart disease.
  • Prolonged use of medications such as glucocorticoids (steroids or corticosteroids), and anti-inflammatory medications such as NSAIDs. Studies show that these medications increase the risk for heart disease.
  • Bacteria, virus, and fungi exposure. Microorganisms can weaken the immune system and damage the heart. Myocarditis is a heart disorder caused by viral infections such as the coxsackie virus, adenovirus, and echovirus. Myocarditis may also occur during or after various viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections, such as polio, influenza, or rubella.
  • Smoking. Cigarettes contain well over 4000 chemicals, many of which damage the heart muscle and weaken blood vessels. Smoking increases the production of fibrin in the blood, leading to thick blood.
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity. Heavy metal toxicity has been shown to increase the risk of atherosclerosis, mainly because the toxicity increases triglyceride levels. Heavy metal toxicity can also lead to weight gain and an inability to lose extra pounds, mainly because the body’s metabolic processes are disrupted.
  • Birth control pills and synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT). One study has shown that women who use the birth control pill have twice the level of C-reactive protein levels as non-users. Additionally, women who use synthetic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) also experience increased CRP levels. Since high CRP levels are a significant risk factor for heart disease, women over 35 (particularly those who also smoke) should exhibit caution when using the pill or synthetic HRT. Further research is required to confirm this risk in young women (under 35).
  • Sedentary lifestyle. “Use it or lose it.” Heart health is positively influenced by exercise—particularly when choosing activities that increase heart rate. A good way to gauge heart-healthy exercise is to make sure that you can still talk comfortably to another person while exercising.
  • Poor diet. A highly processed diet can damage the heart, especially due to an over-consumption of bad trans fats, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, and refined processed grains that are stripped of their important nutrients.
  • Periodontal disease. Diseased gums actually put your heart at risk by releasing bacterial components into the bloodstream. These bacterial components raise the level of C-reactive protein in the blood, a known indicator for potential heart disease.
  • Depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression really can “break your heart.” Depression can lead to chronically elevated levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which can have negative effects on the heart. Fepressed individuals who have heart disease are less likely to follow medication therapies, putting them at risk for more heart problems.
  • Male/female differences. Heart disease is the number one killer of women over age 65. Men and women have nearly the same risk of heart disease before age 65. However, after menopause, women are at a much higher risk of heart disease than men, mainly because of the reduced levels of heart-protective oestrogen. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy may be useful in reducing heart disease risk in older women.
  • Alcohol and drug abuse. A long-term study on the effects of cocaine showed that during the first hour after using cocaine, the user’s risk of heart attack increases nearly 24 times. Drugs can permanently damage the heart and cause sudden death. Studies have suggested that the flavonoids and antioxidants in wine are heart healthy. However, moderation is essential, since over-consumption can lead to alcoholism, a debilitating progressive disease that (among many other things) raises triglyceride levels, a known risk factor for heart disease.

Symptoms Of Heart Disease

High blood pressure is also known  hypertension. Hypertension is really a by-product of more serious underlying problems which results in the excessive force of blood pressing against the walls of your arteries. It is one of the major symptoms of heart and circulatory disease. An incredible one third of those with high blood pressure have no symptoms at all and many don’t even know they have it.

Unfortunately, high blood pressure when left untreated can lead to serious cardiovascular disease leading to a heart attack, heart failure, stroke, as well as brain and kidney damage. Uncontrolled hypertension ranks as the leading risk factor for having a heart attack and stroke, and post-menopausal women are even more vulnerable to hypertension than men.

High Blood Pressure Causes

In about 90 percent of cases, the cause of high blood pressure remains unknown. When the cause cannot become established, the high blood pressure then becomes known as “essential hypertension”. Amongst the various factors highly likely in essential hypertension are

  • Age – the older a person is the more likely he or she will have hypertension.
  • Body weight – the more a person weighs – the higher the risk for developing seriously high blood pressure.
  • Diet – diets high in sugar, salt and certain fats such as hydrogenated (man-made) fats including excess food/calorie intake increase the risk.
  • Heredity – having a family history of hypertension increases one’s risk.
  • Ethnicity – Maori, Aboriginal, Polynesian, etc – indigenous are at a higher risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
  • Kidney disease – those with kidney infection or disease are at a higher risk of hypertension.
  • Stress – Those with “A” type behavioural patterns are at a much higher risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. (competitive, aggressive, impatient, dominant, etc.)

High blood pressure only compounds other risk factors commonly found in those who suffer from chronic ill health, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, toxic heavy metals and oxidised LDL (bad cholesterol) as well as an increase in the (often ignored) inflammatory markers such as Lipoprotein a and Homocysteine. High blood pressure weakens your blood vessels at their bends and junctions and speeds up the inflammatory plaque cascade.

What you may not be aware of is that hypertension stimulates your body to release two proteins – angiotensin II and endothelin, which further promotes and speeds up inflammatory as well as oxidative mechanisms in your arteries. There is ample evidence that there is a direct connection between hypertension and atherosclerosis.


How To Prevent Heart Disease

  • Diet. In order to reduce keep your cardiovascular system healthy, it’s essential to follow general healthy diet guidelines, besides making some key adjustments in your relationship with food.
  • Decrease your omega-6 and increase your omega-3. Many people consume 11 to 30 times more omega-6 than omega-3. A heart-healthy diet should have a ratio of 1:1. Many people typically consume too many processed foods containing omega-6 polyunsaturated fats such as corn oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil. Many are deficient in omega-3, found primarily in fish, flaxseeds, and nuts. You can increase your intake of omega-3 by consuming organic ground flax meal, wild salmon, minimal-mercury albacore tuna, fish oil, avocados, and sprouted walnuts. Read about the importance of omega-3.
  • Increase your folic acid intake. Folic acid and the B vitamins, especially B6. They help break down homocysteine, an amino acid suggested in increasing the risk of atherosclerosis. Rich sources of folic acid include mercury-minimal tuna, wild salmon, spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, and organic beef. Also consider a B-vitamin supplement.
  • Incorporate healthy saturated fats in your diet, such as organic virgin coconut oil. Saturated fats have received a bad rap, but the truth is they are essential for good health. The true culprit in heart disease risk is trans fat, otherwise known as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil. Read more about good fats and bad fats.
  • Add blueberries to your diet. Blueberries may reduce the build-up of “bad” cholesterol that contributes to cardiovascular disease and stroke, according to scientists at the University of California. In fact, they have reported that blueberries contain pterostilbene, a compound which has the potential to lower cholesterol.
  • Add nuts to your diet. Sprouted walnuts have more heart-healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids than any other nut. And one interesting study has showed that eating just a handful of pecans a day can have the same effect as prescription drugs in lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels. Not only do pecans lower bad cholesterol, but they also increase good HDL cholesterol. We can incorporate sprouted nuts into the diet as a healthy snack in between meals.
  • Add healthy herbs to your diet, such as cilantro, cinnamon, and garlic. Anecdotal evidence reveals that cilantro can bind to heavy metals and help the body excrete them. Crushed garlic contains allicin, a potent detoxifier. And they have shown cinnamon to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Other Heart Disease Diet Recommendations

  1. Choose high-quality, organic, hormone- and antibiotic-free grass-fed meats.
  2. Add oily fish rich in omega-3 like mackerel.
  3. Add raw, organic vegetables to your diet.
  4. Add high-quality fibre to your diet, such as organic flax meal.
  5. Choose organic free-range eggs.
  6. Choose unpasteurised, raw dairy items that have live, active cultures (probiotics) such as yogurt and kefir.
  7. Drink purified water throughout the day.

Heart Disease Diet

  • All simple or refined carbohydrates (white flour, white rice, white bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, crackers, processed snack foods, etc.), especially if you have any metabolic disorder that may negatively affect your heart
  • All foods containing refined sugar or artificial sugar-substitutes such as aspartame. Choose a natural sweetener like stevia instead.
  • Limited alcoholic beverages
  • Limited cheese and wine
  • Pasteurised, sweetened fruit juices, since these spike blood sugar levels too rapidly
  • Carbonated soft drinks that cause blood pH levels to become acidic
  • Shellfish such as oysters, clams, and lobster that may contain toxic levels of mercury
  • Deep-sea fish such as tuna, mackerel, and swordfish that may contain toxic levels of mercury. Choose minimal-mercury albacore tuna instead.
  • Farm-raised fish that contain PCBs and not enough omega-3 essential fatty acids, because of their land-based diets. Choose wild-caught salmon instead. Read: Something Fishy About Salmon.
  • Nitrites found in processed foods such as hot dogs, lunch meats, and bacon
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) found in many foods as a flavour enhancer
  • Trans fats, also known as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, are found in many processed foods, deep-fried foods, fast foods, and junk food. Read more about trans fats.

Other Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Cardiovascular System:

  • Keep your weight in a healthy range. By maintaining a healthy weight, you reduce your risk of developing a metabolic disorder that puts your heart at risk. Read more about a healthy weight.
  • Get proper sleep and seek medical help if you can’t sleep properly. Sleep deprivation can take years off your life and increase your risk of heart disease. In particular, untreated sleep apnea can increase your chances of developing hypertension, which is a precursor for heart disease.
  • Don’t smoke. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals, many of which damage your heart muscle and weaken your arteries and veins, leading to atherosclerosis. Smoking also increases fibrin in the blood, leading to thick blood. Smokers have a 70 percent greater risk of death from heart disease than non-smokers.
  • Manage your chronic conditions effectively to protect your heart from damage that can easily be prevented.
  • Consider therapy with EDTA. Heavy metal toxicity can increase heart disease risk, so excreting heavy metals might reduce your risk. Therapy with EDTA has been utilised to treat atherosclerosis, or clogging of the arteries. They administered intravenously EDTA under the supervision of a health professional in a medical office setting. EDTA also exists in capsule form, making it available to take at home. Before considering EDTA, consult with your healthcare professional, who can carefully monitor your treatment plan.
  • If you have dental amalgams, or “silver” fillings, get an evaluation from a mercury-free dentist who specialises in the safe removal of mercury amalgam fillings. Find a mercury-free dentist in your area now.
  • Exercise. If you’re not exercising, then you need to start now! Incredibly, a recent study showed that just a single session of exercise can improve the health of blood vessels and reduce lipid levels. And the benefits even last straight through to the next day. Exercise can lower your cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure—all risk factors for heart disease. Incorporate some aerobic activity into your routine, like water aerobics, brisk walking, urban rebounding (exercises performed on a mini-trampoline), and swimming. In order to achieve a healthy target heart rate, make sure that you can comfortably speak to another person while you’re exercising.

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