Eric Bakker N.D.March 6, 2023

Colloidal silver can have many health benefits when used carefully. But, like pharmaceutical drugs, it can cause harm when used carelessly and in large amounts prolonged.


Colloidal Silver

Early in the 20th century, doctors utilised colloidal silver (a colloid comprising silver particles suspended in liquid) and formulations using silver salts, but after the discovery of modern antibiotics in the 1940s, their usage was mostly ceased.

Starting around 1990, there has been a rise in the marketing of colloidal silver as a nutritional supplement, with claims that it is a “necessary mineral supplement” or that it can “treat or prevent” a variety of illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, herpes, and tuberculosis.

None of these indications for colloidal silver’s usefulness are supported by scientific research, and it is foolish to believe colloidal silver is a “cure-all” medicine. It certainly has its uses, but has been falsely promoted.

Humans do not require silver in their diets, and there is no such thing as a “deficiency” in silver. Silver is not a necessary mineral for humans. There is no proof that colloidal silver makes as many people sick and die as much as pharmaceutical drugs do however, and there is high fear-mongering with colloidal silver, unfortunately.

Colloidal Silver Method of Action

For many kinds of pathogenic bacteria, algae, and fungi in vitro (test tube study), silver and most silver compounds are poisonous. The silver ion gives silver its antibacterial properties. The physiologically active silver ions (Ag+) harm important enzyme systems in cell membranes, an action that underlies the antiseptic properties of all silver compounds.
It has long been understood that an electric field enhances the antibacterial effects of silver (Akhavan 2009). Electric current passing via silver electrodes improves antibiotic activity at the anode, probably because minute silver particles are released into the bacterial culture. Studies have found in the presence of an electric field, the antibacterial properties of electrodes covered with silver nanostructures are significantly enhanced.
If you use a colloidal silver cream, you will find it quite effective. That’s because bacteria killed by topical antiseptic silver absorb silver particles, according to research. This allows the dead bacteria to weaken and kill other pathogenic bacteria.

Colloidal silver has 3 primary anti-bacterial effects:

  1. Release of bactericidal silver ions
  2. Generation of free radicals
  3. Direct lethal effects of silver nano-particles

Because of their release of silver ions, silver nanoparticles have the most recognised antibacterial effects. Silver ions are harmful to bacteria because they destroy their cell membranes and interfere with their internal DNA. (Feng 2000)

The generation of free radicals is a well-known factor that contributes to the antibacterial properties of silver. Free radicals produced by silver nanoparticles can stress or kill various kinds of microorganisms. The bacteria die because of the cell membrane rupturing, and this happens due to free radical damage. (Dasgupta 2016)

Colloidal Silver Spray

I’ve recommended and used colloidal silver in my naturopathic clinic for many years until I retired late 2019. It’s been recommended in lotions, dressings for wounds, but also internally for different infections. Some patients have used it and got an impressive effect using colloidal silver as an antibacterial coating on medical equipment. Since silver typically has little toxicity, using it for recognised medical purposes should pose little danger.

If you have a wound, for example, on your leg, arm, hand, etc, try a colloidal silver spray. I’ve seen impressive results when used on diabetic leg ulcers, burns, lacerations and cuts and many kinds of skin infections.

To treat external infections, wound dressings containing silver sulfadiazine or silver nanoparticles may be utilised with a significantly positive effect. There is even proof that short-term catheterization with silver-alloy indwelling catheters will lessen the risk of catheter-acquired urinary tract infections.

Colloidal Silver Blue Skin

Silver is a substance that occurs naturally. Every day, you come into contact with minute amounts of silver. Silver traces can be detected in water, food, and even the air. Via the skin, mucous membranes, or mouth, silver can enter your body. Paul Karason, pictured on the left, died when he was 62 years of age from heart disease and prostate cancer. He developed a condition called argyria in which his skin turned blue, after consuming up to ten ounces of home-mae colloidal silver daily. He also dabbed colloidal silver on his face several times daily to treat a skin condition.

If you have an excessive amount of silver in your body, which usually happens after repeated exposure, you can develop argyria. When silver enters your stomach, a chemical reaction occurs. Silver enters your circulation as it degrades. Most of the silver we eat leaves the body through our bowels within a week. Some people expel urine containing silver particles.
But, your will body struggle to keep up with too much silver when you consume it. Any silver that isn’t eliminated is deposited in the skin and other tissues, where it keeps accumulating. Your skin turns blue-gray when exposed to light after that. Colloidal silver can have harmful side effects, including argyria that may be permanently irreversible.

Colloidal Silver and the FDA

The U.S. FDA tried to forbid colloidal silver sellers in 1999 from making claims about the product’s therapeutic or preventive benefits, although silver-containing goods are promoted as dietary supplements in the U.S.
Several warning letters have been sent by the FDA to websites that continue to advertise colloidal silver as an antibiotic or for other medical uses. Colloidal silver items are still freely available online today despite the FDA’s attempts.
The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) concluded in 2002 that colloidal silver had “no proven medical benefits” and that its advertising claims were unfounded.
The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) issues a warning that colloidal silver marketing claims lack scientific backing, that the silver content of marketed supplements varies, and that using colloidal silver products can result in serious side effects like argyria.
Selling colloidal silver for consumption may be prohibited in some places, as may advertising that claims to prevent or treat cancer.

Discussion (3 comments)

  1. Dear Dr Eric, God bless you. I’ve been using your Canxida products for two months now. Do you still recommend colloidal silver for H. Pylori treatment? If yes would you recommend the coated colloidal silver? I have been already treated with antibiotics twice and this past July I was tested positive again. Your products help me initially a lot (was taking 9 RMV daily) but recently I have been struggling again with all the symptoms of H Pylori infection.

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