Vitamin C Benefits

Eric Bakker N.D.May 11, 2022

Vitamin C is a potent water soluble vitamin and antioxidant that can neutralise damaging free radicals and helps to manage infections and repair wounds.

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12 Good Reasons To Take Vitamin C

Vitamin C has long been recognised as a defence against colds and flu and to support the immune system. Vitamin C is one of the most versatile vitamins with many benefits.Here are 12 things you may not know about Vitamin C.

1. Enhance your mood 1. Vitamin C has proven to have a mild antidepressant effect in a placebo-controlled trial.   Vitamin C helps the body deal with stress, and the adrenal glands contain the highest concentration of Vitamin C of any part of the body (to help assist in the manufacture of adrenal stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol).
2. Prolongs your life2. The actual amount of Vitamin C in your system is associated with a 20% drop in all-cause mortality, according to a UK study of almost 20,000 people.
3. Less gallstones 3. Research is suggesting that women with a family history of gallstones should increase their  dietary intake of vitamin C. The researchers said ascorbic acid influenced gallstone development by affecting the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids. Low levels of Vitamin C are linked to a higher risk of gallstones.
4. Glowing skin 4.Vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining healthy, glowing skin because of its role in collagen production and by providing protection as an antioxidant.
5. Helps improve infertility 5. The ovaries are very rich in Vitamin C, and increasing your levels can help to promote ovulation. Also stops sperm from clumping together!
6. Smokers need vitamin C 6.Research has shown that smokers have vitamin C levels 34% lower than non-smokers. You need to take in about 200mg per cigarette you smoke! It helps to protect the lung tissue from damage.
7. Blood vessel flexibility 7.Taking 500mg a day of Vitamin C actually reverses a condition that leads to heart  attacks. In one of these studies the vitamin C group saw significant improvements in the endothelium, the lining of blood vessels, while the placebo group did not.
8. Strong bones and healthy joints 8.A study has found that in women aged 67 – 79 years Vitamin C intake is  inversely associated with loss of bone mineral density. Vitamin C  is essential for collagen production, the substance that forms the body’s connective tissues (bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments)
9. Great immune preventative and for general health 9.Daily doses from about 500mg – 1000mg are good for  general health, whilst up to 6000mg is a good dose to treat (and reduce the duration of) colds and influenza.
10. Repairing damaged arteries and removing arterial plaque (atherosclerosis) 10. According to  Dr. Linus Pauling (the ‘father of Vitamin C) (and twice awarded the Nobel Prize) declared that daily intakes of this vitamin aid anti-cancer activity and assist in repairing damaged arteries and removing arterial plaque (atherosclerosis). Optimum Vitamin C intake should be 600 mg – 3 g daily. (1 tspn of vitamin C in a glass of water or juice daily) Long-term Vitamin C deficiency will lead to atherosclerotic deposits in the arterial walls to cover the breaches caused by the disintegrating collagen, resulting in coronary heart disease and strokes to the brain.
11. Superior wound healing 11. Vitamin C significantly increases wound healing, reducing the inflammatory response.
12. Eye health 12. Vitamin C is very important in the health of your eyes, having an ability to exert therapeutic effects on the sense of sight. Vitamin C may help to prevent and treat cataracts. Research suggests that supplemental Vitamin C reduces the risk of Cataracts by up to 70%. Vitamin C (1,000 mg per day) may help to prevent age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Dry eyes may occur as a result of Vitamin C deficiency.

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