Eric Bakker N.D.May 9, 2022

This fungus actually changes the colour of the skin it infects; the patches may be lighter or darker than your normal surrounding skin. This spotted pattern and the fine scaly flakes at the margins make this fungal infection the easiest to identify.


Tinea Versicolor

Tinea Versicolor (also known as Dermatomycosis furfuracea, Pityriasis versicolor, and Tinea flava)

This fungus actually changes the colour of the skin it infects; the patches may be lighter or darker than your normal surrounding skin. This spotted pattern and the fine scaly flakes at the margins make this fungal infection the easiest to identify.

Tinea Versicolor Causes

Tinea versicolor is a common skin condition due to overgrowth of a skin surface yeast caused by one of several fungi including Malassezia furfur, Pityrosporon orbiculare, Pityrosporon ovale or Malassezia ovalis. This naturally occurring fungus only becomes troublesome under certain circumstances, such as humid climates, stress, etc.

Tinea Versicolor Symptoms

The tinea versicolor overgrowth results in uneven patchy skin colour and scaling that may be itchy. Tinea is most common in oily areas such as the neck, upper chest, and back.Since itching and irritation are mild, it’s also the least bothersome.

This is similar to candidiasis of the skin and is best treated systemically, meaning diet, lifestyle changes and possibly a few dietary supplements to treat any underlying gut problems.  This condition is quite apparent in summer, as the clothing comes off and the sun tends to brown the skin around the lesions, but tends to leave the yeast some areas pale and whitish. can be itchy and blotchy and look not the best.

Tinea Versicolor Treatment

Australian Tea Tree Oil – Melaleuca alternifolia

I always recommend using natural skin aids which help in killing the fugus on a local, skin, level. My favourite products are spot essential oils such as Australian tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) which I have found is quite superior to the New Zealand tea tree oil, and in fact superior in any other essential oil I have used on skin conditions. Just one small drop on each affected area and  – within no time you will see the result.

Another most effective oil is Oregano oil, although you will need to be a bit more careful with Oregano oil, is is a bit more aggressive on the skin and it is probably best that you start with Tea Tree oil, get used to it and then try Oregano oil on the worst affected areas, and then very sparingly.

For best results use the Candida Crusher control program and eliminate the fungus that causes Tinea, which will give you a clear, healthy skin again.

Relieve Skin Discomfort, Inflammation And Itching

Always try to relieve your skin itch by natural means, and because you have a fungal skin condition, your skin’s barrier will be compromised and it is therefore easier for your skin to absorb any chemical which may be applied if your use pharmaceutical preparations on your skin. Use skin products which contain natural aids such as jojoba, organic beeswax, goanna oil, emu oil, herbal medicine calendula and many essential oils which provide soothing relief on contact so the inflammation, itchiness, and discomfort can be quickly reduced.  There are many of theses natural ingredients which have long histories safety and of providing outstanding benefits in skin therapy.

Kill The Tinea Versicolor Fungus

It is important to follow the Candida Crusher program, that way you will be addressing the causes of your fungal skin infection. Always use a treatment system that involves diet and lifestyle as well as topical (skin) applications if you want to cure yourself of a fungal skin problem.  Continued application of spot skin treatment (pure tea tree or oregano oil) will rid your skin of all fungus and irritants and enable it to heal very fast.

Healing Tinea Versicolor takes Time

Even after fungus is removed, your skin will probably exhibit a discoloured mark or scaly texture for many weeks to months. The sooner your skin can heal and regenerate, the sooner this dry, damaged skin will become healthy looking again.Use a natural skin moisturiser like Australian Emu oil or Jojoba oil, I have found either to be excellent skin moisturizer.


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