

The BEST diet in my opinion is what is called today the "flexitarian" diet. It's how I've always eaten, and now they call it a "special diet". It plain common sense. Eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Focus on more protein from plants instead of animal protein. Try to stay flexible and incorporate some (but not much) meat and animal products from time to time. Eat the least processed, most natural forms of foods. Try and stay AWAY from junk foods. Limit added sugar and sweets, raw honey and sugars like xylitol are fine in moderation.

Unhealthy Junk Food

Junk food is defined as foods and beverages that are poor in nutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, and fibre) but high in calories (kilojoules), saturated fat, added sugar, and often salt, sometimes artificial sugars. Junk food consumption has been related...

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Was The Paleo Diet Plant Based?

Did ancient man consume lots of meat? Palaeolithic man was more likely to be a plant, nut, seed and root crop eater (high carb) with only occasional meats such as fish, birds, eggs, insects, grubs and on very special occasions...

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Vegan Or Vegetarian?

Vegans forgo all animal products, including dairy and eggs, while vegetarians just avoid meat. Vegan and vegetarian diets can both be healthy, nutritious, and beneficial to one's health. Without care, vegans are more likely to suffer from iron, vitamin D,...

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Low Allergy Diet

Here is my down-loadable Hypo-Allergenic Diet Sheet (the Low Allergy Diet) which we use in our clinic as a hand-out. It features a list of the possible offending foods and the substitutes. The column on the left represents the foods ...

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Basic Beverage Choices

You may be familiar with the phrase "beverage," but do you know what it means exactly? A beverage or drink is a type of liquid that is consumed for nutrition, energy, or hydration. With more variety of flavours and tastes,...

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Healthy Food Choices

Healthy food choices are foods which return you the highest nutritional value. You will find that this is a page in progress, and will eventually contain links to many feature pages on foods such as walnuts, yoghurt, all the various...

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