

Carbohydrates, examples of which include fibre, starches, and sugars, are very important nutrients that your body turns into glucose to give you energy. Carbohydrates are also called carbs. They are a type of macronutrient found in many different kinds of foods and drinks. Carbohydrates, fat and protein are called macronutrients.

Refined Carbohydrates

What are the sources of refined carbohydrates, especially highly refined carbs? Generally crappy foods in our diet. The stuff you buy at the mall when you go out shopping. These foods that have undergone extensive processing, which strips them from...

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Carbohydrates — sugar, starches and fibre, — are essential food nutrients that your body turns into glucose to give you the energy to function. Complex carbs in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products are less likely to spike blood sugar than...

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Is Bread A Fattening Food

People often think they are doing something healthy for themselves by switching their white bread for whole wheat bread.  Although whole wheat certainly is a better option than white, whole wheat bread can still be preventing you from losing that...

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