Pea and Ham Soup

Eric Bakker N.D.March 28, 2022

Eric’s much loved Dutch mother, Vera, passed away in 2009. Vera was a prolific cook and enjoyed making many traditional Dutch recipes for her large family, and meals like pea and ham soup, a family favourite on cold winter days. This is a recipe that has been typed out just as it was written by Oma. (Oma means grandmother in Dutch). This meal can be prepared on the stove top or in a hot pot (a slow cooker).

Eric Bakker Naturopath » Recipes » Pea and Ham Soup

Eric’s much loved Dutch mother, Vera, passed away in 2009. Vera was a prolific cook and enjoyed making many traditional Dutch recipes for her large family, and meals like pea and ham soup, a family favourite on cold winter days. This is a recipe that has been typed out just as it was written by Oma. (Oma means grandmother in Dutch). This meal can be prepared on the stove top or in a hot pot (a slow cooker).

And here is the PEA SOUP!

1 big or 2 small smoked Hocks
1 kilo bacon bones
500 gr. green peas (split peas)
1 bunch of leeks
1 bunch of celery, small one
1 smoked wurst or 1 pound (500gr.) smoked frankfurters

Put the hocks, the bacon bones & green peas together in a large pot with enough water to cover the lot and bring to the boil.
Let it simmer until everything is soft and looks green (the peas do that!)
Strain into colander after you have put a pan under it, pick out of the mush the bones.
The meat and the green mush go in pot again.
Get all meat off bones, get all meat off the hog bones too and put it all aside in dish
Sort out bones and fat and skin and throw it away…what ever you have left now = green mush and real meat in colander and in pot underneath is your basic pea soup! Put the pot on low heat again.
Slice leek in half inch pieces then wash it thoroughly twice, and put in with the green mush.
Wash the stalks and the leaves of the (small) bunch of celery and cut in small pieces and throw in the pot…
Now the whole lot is very thick, put in some more water and put in the wurst or frankfurters and let it simmer slowly until wurst is cooked and vegetables are nearly cooked. I do not let them get too soft!
Pea soup has a nicer taste, after 1 night in the fridge. You can also freeze portions very successfully.
Pass family recipes on to others in your family!

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