Healthy Mayonnaise

Eric Bakker N.D.March 31, 2022

Still buying mayonnaise? Most of the junk I've tried is full of sugar. Try making this recipe, it's a family favourite.

Eric Bakker Naturopath » Recipes » Healthy Mayonnaise

Making your own mayonnaise makes sense, because with commercial preparations you have no control over the ingredients and you will be clueless as to what is really in your product or the actual quality of the ingredients. Are they using organic ingredients? Is there too much sugar in this product?

Make your own hummus and mayonnaise, you will in time be able to adapt the ingredients to suit your taste. I have made mayo for years, and wouldn’t have it any other way. If you have the ingredients in stock, you can make this recipe anytime you like, and it saves you money too. This recipe makes one and a half cups of mayonnaise.


  • 1 whole free-range egg, make sure it is at room temperature
  • 1 tsp mustard powder
  • 1 ½ tsp fresh lemon juice (room temperature)
  • 1 tsp plain white vinegar (room temperature)
  • 1 tsp whey, I get this from a previous batch of mayonnaise (room temperature)
  • A generous pinch of sea salt
  • ¾ – 1 cup sunflower oil (organic – room temperature)


  • Combine everything except oil in a food processor until well blended – about 30 seconds.
  • Add the oil LAST, and with the motor running, gradually add oil in a slow steady stream.
  • At first, add the oil very slowly, then speed it up a little as the mixture binds.
  • Taste and check seasoning, adding more salt  and lemon juice if required.
  • Let the mayonnaise sit at room temperature, well covered, for 7 hours before refrigerating.
  • With whey added, the mayonnaise will keep for at least two months and become firmer.
  • The flavour also improves with time.
  • By the way, did I mention to begin with of the ALL ingredients at room temperature? – this is the secret
  • It takes practice, you will have occasional “mishaps” when the mixture does not set. Place container in the fridge in this case and blend up thoroughly the following day.
  • Don’t give up! In time, you will make absolutely perfect mayo and friends and family will be amazed!

Discussion (3 comments)

  1. I stopped making mayonnaise because I could only keep it a few days.
    I am thrilled to find this recipe. \
    Thanks so much

      1. Could I ask how long this will store for in the refrigerator. Also want to thank you for the Canxida and all the information you provide online, it is the only thing I have understood and has actually helped with my candida. Thanks you thank you.

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